Welcome to the City of Clayton

Permitting Portal

What is the permitting portal?

It provides online access through a computer or mobile device allowing residents, business owners, design professionals, contractors and property managers to submit permits, check the status of pending permits and schedule inspections.

At this time the following permit types may be applied for online:

Special Events Permit
Special Events Permits and their supporting documents may be applied for here.
Instructions on use of the Clayton Permitting Portal can be found here.
Permit documents must be uploaded in PDF format.

Building Division Permits
Instructions on use of the Clayton Permitting Portal can be found here.
Note: Response to Comments or Permit Amendments should not be submitted through the full application process, but rather by
uploading the responses and the completed Permit Amendment application form to the existing associate permit number.
Permit documents must be uploaded in PDF format.

***Interior Demolition permits are not accepted.
Any interior demolition work should only be included as part of a new tenant fit-out scope of work or as part of a White-Box permit.
A White-Box permit is only for a fully finished space and includes all required toilet rooms, mechanical, electrical and plumbing.***

Commercial Occupancy Permit

Residential Occupancy Permit

Building Permit (Includes Fence Permit) 

Demolition Permit (Full Building Structure Only)

Dumpster Permit

Mechanical Permit

Plumbing Permit

Swimming Pool Permit

Garage Sale Permit

Planning and Development Permits
Certain Planning and Development Permit Projects will now be applied for through the Clayton Permiting Portal. Presently, the permit types
available for application through the portal are: Administrative Planning/Architectural Review (AAR),
Architectural Review Board (ARB), Sign Permits (SGN) and Site Plan Review (SPR)

Additionally, Outdoor Dining Licences (OUT) will now be applied for via the Clayton Permiting Portal.
Instructions on use of the Clayton Permitting Portal can be found here.
Permit documents must be uploaded in PDF format.

Public Works Permits

Land Disturbance Permit

After Hours/Weekend Work Application

Parking Meter Rental Application

Right-of-Way Permit

Street Banner Permit

Cubside Parking Permit/ Valet Parking Permit

City Bike Rack

Sewer Lateral Repair Program

Waste Hauler Certificate of Qualification Application

Small Shared Vehicle License

Forestry Services Permit

All permit types may be accessed to check status or schedule inspections
You must be logged in to gain access to your permit(s) or apply for new permit(s)

New Users

If you have never applied for a permit you will need to setup an account, complete with username and password to use this portal. SETUP AN ONLINE ACCOUNT

First-time Portal Users

If you have applied for a permit since January 1st 2020, you likely already have an account. You may login using either the link in the upper right-hand corner or the link below, provided you know your username and password. If you do not know your login creditals, please click the link below and select "Forgot Username/Password" on the next screen. RETRIEVE USERNAME/PASSWORD

Returning Users 

If you are a returning user simply click the login link in the upper right corner or LOGIN HERE

If you encouter any login problems or if you have any comments, questions or suggestions

please contact portalhelp@claytonmo.gov